10 rules for making user-friendly web forms

01. Only ask what's required

Cutting the amount of required information makes the form easier to fill out. You should always question why and how the information you request is being used. Try to minimise the number of fields as much as possible, because every field you add to a form will affect its conversion rate. Limiting the number of questions and fields make your form less loaded, especially when you request a lot of information from your users.

02. Order the fields logically

It's helpful to think of a form as being similar to a conversation. Like any normal conversation, it should be represented by a logical communication between two parties: a person and your app. Details should be asked for in an order that is logical from a user's perspective, not that of the application or database. For example, it's unusual to ask for someone's address before their name.
It's also very important to group related questions in blocks, so the flow from one set of questions to the next will better resemble a conversation. Grouping related fields also helps users make sense of the information they must fill in. 
Pictured above are examples of two registration forms. Long forms can feel overwhelming if you don't group related fields – compare the form on the left to the improved version on the right.
Grouping needs to be carried out visually as well as in the code. For example, you could use the <fieldset> and <legend> elements to associate related form controls:
use code:
  <legend>Personal Information:</legend>
    <label for="first_name">First Name</label>
    <input type="text" name="first_name" id="first_name">
    <label for="last_name">Last Name</label>
    <input type="text" name="last_name" id="last_name">
    <label for="gender">Profession</label>
    <input type="text" name="profession" id="profession">

03. Keep labels short

Field labels tell users what the corresponding input fields mean. Clear label text is one of the primary ways to make UIs more accessible. Labels tell the user the purpose of the field, but they aren't help texts. Therefore, ensuring they scan easily is a priority – you should design succinct, short and descriptive labels (keep them to a word or two).

04. Don't duplicate fields

This problem is particularly common for the registration forms: almost everyone has come across a form that requires you to type an email address or password twice. Historically, this was designed to prevent mistyping errors. However, most users simply copy-pasted the necessary field whenever the app allowed it. And if the original field's data contained an error, it was duplicated.

05. Highlight optional fields

Ideally, it's best to have no optional fields. In line with rule #1, if a piece of information is not required there's no point in wasting a user's time. But if you do use them, you should clearly distinguish which input fields cannot be left blank. Usually a small mark like an asterisk (*) or 'optional' label is enough.

06. Be careful with defaults

Avoid including a static default unless you believe a large portion of your users (e.g. 90 per cent) will select that value – particularly if it's a required field. Why? With this approach you're likely to introduce errors because people scan forms quickly online. Don't assume they will take the time to parse through all the choices. They may blithely skip by something that already has a value.
Only exception for this point is smart defaults – like those that preselect the user's country based on their geolocation data – which can make completion of the form faster and more accurate. But you should still use these with caution, because users tend to leave preselected fields as they are.

07. Minimise need for typing

Typing is a slow and error-prone process, and it's especially painful on a mobile, where users face the constraints of limited screen estate. And with more and more people using small screens, anything that can be done to prevent unnecessary typing will improve the user experience. Where appropriate, you can use features like autocomplete and prefill for data, so users only have to type in the bare minimum amount of information. 
Filling out your address information is often the most cumbersome part of any online registration form, thanks to multiple fields, long names, and so on. Save your users from having to type in their entire address by implementing prefills for these fields. Libraries like Google Maps offer a simple JavaScript API to achieve this. You can find a working solution here.

08. Use real-time validation

In an ideal world, users fill in forms with necessary information and finish their job successfully, but in the real world, people often make mistakes. It's frustrating to go through the process of filling out an entire form only to find out at the point of submission that you've made an error. 
The right time to inform someone about the success or failure of the data they've provided is right after they submit the information. This is where real-time validation comes into play. It alerts users to mistakes straight away and makes it possible for them to correct them faster, without having to wait until they press the 'Submit' button. 
And remember, validation shouldn't only tell users what they did wrong; it should also tell them what they're doing right. This gives users more confidence to move through the form.
Parsley is my number one favourite JavaScript form validation library. It is open source and UX-focused, so you can override almost every default behaviour to fit your exact needs. In the following code is a simple Parsley validation example for a 'Message' field. The field should be at least 20 characters, but no more than 100.

09. Avoid fixed input formats

The most common reason for forcing a fixed format is validation script limitation (the backend can't determine the format it needs), which in most cases is an implementation problem. Rather than forcing the format of something like a phone number during user input, you should make it possible to transform whatever the user enters into the format you want to display or store.

10. Don't use 'Reset' buttons

This button almost never helps users. It's hard to imagine that someone would want a button that undoes all their work to be sitting next to the button that saves it. The web would be a happier place if virtually all Reset buttons were removed.
<label for="message">Message (20 chars min, 100 max) :</label>
<textarea id="message" class="form-control" name="message" data-parsley-trigger="keyup" data-parsley-minlength="20" data-parsley-maxlength="100" data-parsley-minlength-message="Come on! You need to enter at least a 20 character comment." data-parsley-validation-threshold="10"></textarea>
10 rules for making user-friendly web forms 10 rules for making user-friendly web forms Reviewed by designer on 2/17/2017 Rating: 5

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